The Role of Green Economy in Sustainable Development in Algeria

Document Type : Original Article


PHD Research, Abdel Malik Al Saadi University, Morocco


Transitioning to a green economy is crucial for achieving sustainable development in Algeria, a country facing environmental challenges and a reliance on hydrocarbon exports. A green economy promotes renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-friendly industrial practices, fostering economic growth while ensuring environmental sustainability and social inclusion. Leveraging Algeria's abundant solar energy potential and implementing supportive policy measures can reduce dependency on fossil fuels, create jobs, and attract international investments. Embracing green economy principles aligns with global sustainability goals and is essential for the country's long-term prosperity and environmental health.
The concept of a green economy is integral to achieving sustainable development, especially in countries facing environmental challenges and resource constraints. A green economy promotes the idea of economic growth and development while ensuring environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, and social inclusion. For Algeria, transitioning to a green economy is crucial given its environmental vulnerabilities and the need for sustainable resource management.


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